Got stuck with this error on Cisco Cloud Services Router, CSR Version 03.16.04a.S.
When configuring static NAT rule as per below
CSR(config)#ip nat inside source static tcp 443 interface GigabitEthernet1 443
%Port 443 is being used by system
Found some Work around while Googling and also a Cisco Bug with same error in Cisco Advanced Services Router. But nothing worked for me. Here is how i resolved the issue by my self
disable the ip http secure service on router by following command
CSR(Config)#no ip http secure-server
Save Configurations and Reload the router
After successful reload, enter you static NAT rule.
When configuring static NAT rule as per below
CSR(config)#ip nat inside source static tcp 443 interface GigabitEthernet1 443
%Port 443 is being used by system
Found some Work around while Googling and also a Cisco Bug with same error in Cisco Advanced Services Router. But nothing worked for me. Here is how i resolved the issue by my self
disable the ip http secure service on router by following command
CSR(Config)#no ip http secure-server
Save Configurations and Reload the router
After successful reload, enter you static NAT rule.
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