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Showing posts with the label CSR

%Port 443 is being used by system

Got stuck with this error on Cisco Cloud Services Router, CSR Version 03.16.04a.S. When configuring static NAT rule as per below CSR(config)#ip nat inside source static tcp 443 interface GigabitEthernet1 443 %Port 443 is being used by system Found some Work around while Googling and also a Cisco Bug with same error in Cisco Advanced Services Router. But nothing worked for me. Here is how i resolved the issue by my self disable the ip http secure service on router by following command CSR(Config)#no ip http secure-server Save Configurations and Reload the router After successful reload, enter you static NAT rule.

Capture Cisco CSR packets and Examine with Wireshark

As you know the Cisco’s Cloud Services Router is a virtual router either installed and configured in public Clouds like Amazon Web Services, AWS, or in your private cloud hosted locally. I needed to capture and monitor the traffic on its interfaces with Wireshark. One way I could found is to capture your desired traffic on any interface of CSR, export it to your local disk and open it with Wireshark. The following procedure can also be used to capture packets on other physical Cisco Routers running following IOS versions. Cisco IOS Release 12.4(20)T or later Cisco IOS-XE Release 15.2(4)S – 3.7.0 or later Lets start capturing traffic here on Cisco CSR. First we specify the interface to capture the packets on; csr#monitor capture GIG2 interface GigabitEthernet 2 both Here GIG2 is any name to create a file and store packets in it, both means to capture both inbound and outbound packets on interface gigabitethernet 2 You can specify ipv4 or ipv6 traffic, select protocol o...