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What is DHCP Protocol and How does it Work

DHCP, Dynamic Host Control Protocol, is a Protocol that operates at Application layer and Automatically assigns IP Addresses to requesting Hosts. DHCP eliminates the manual task by a network Administrator. It also provides a central database of devices that are connected to the network and eliminate duplicate resource assingments. DHCP uses UDP (User Datagram Protocol) to send its request messages to the DHCP Server on Port number 67. A DHCP Server can provide to a host alot of information when the host is requesting an IP address from a DHCP Server. Here’s a list of the information a DHCP Server can provide: IP Address Subnet Mask Domain Name Default Gateway (routers) DNS WINS information How DHCP Server is Discovered by Client to get IP address? The client broadcasts messages on the physical subnet to discover available DHCP servers. Network administrators can configure a local router to forward DHCP packets to a DHCP server from a different subnet. This client-i