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Showing posts with the label Elasticserach

Graylog is restarting stuck with disk full

Graylog is restarting... There is no Graylog web application running at the moment, please reload this page in a minute. It can take up to 1-2 minutes until all services are running properly. In case this is a permanent error, check the following: Check if all services are running - sudo graylog-ctl status shows an overview of all running services Check for errors in log files - Relevant services write log files here: /var/log/graylog/*/current Ask for help - If there is no way to fix the issue ask for help: I got this error on my Gray-log server, upon troubleshooting I found that the disk was 100% full and was unable to start elastic search mongodb and etcd while checking gray-log server status with command #graylog-ctl status Solution to this problem was obvious that I have to clean some disk space to get gray-log working again but what file should I delete was my next thought! Upon googling I found that I could safely delete the old log files of elastic search to free ...