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Showing posts with the label Linux

GNS3 Docker Error while creating node: Docker has returned an error: Cannot connect to host docker:80

Error while creating node: Docker has returned an error: Cannot connect to host docker:80 ssl:False [No such file or directory] After adding docker template for Alpine Linux in gns3, you get above mentioned message when you want to use alpine linux in GNS3. To get rid of this message you have to install Docker by following below link curl -fsSL | sh If you do not have curl installed then instal curl first with below command. apt-get install curl After installing Docker you need to add your user name in the docker group with the following command.  $ sudo usermod -aG docker your_username Verify if the docker service is started with following command $ service docker status If docker is not started then start with following command  $ sudo service docker start Logout from GNS3 Virtual Machines and log back. Start gns3 and use alpine linux.

How to Convert Linux Ubuntu Partition into Windows Partition

You need to format the partition on which you want to install Linux Ubuntu and the type of Linux Format is completely different than those of Windows Format types. That's why hard disk partition on which Ubuntu is installed is not view able from Windows Operating System, because windows does not support Linux Ubuntu Formats.  This goes good until you want to both operating systems with dual boot system. When you do not want to use Linux Ubuntu you will have to convert its partition to NTFS or FAT32 in order to access the partition and store and access data from this partition. One method to convert Ubuntu partition to Windows is to convert and format the partition with Free MINITOOL Partition Program. Remember this procedure will only convert to Windows Supported partitions and will ask you to format the partition until you can use it. So you will loose any data on your Ubuntu partition.  See  How to access U...

Ubuntu Boot Error --- Missing modules (cat /proc/modules; ls /dev)

Boot from (hd0,0) ext3 5108701a-641d-43b182eb-aeb6da348d62 Starting up ... Loading, please wait... Gave up waiting for root device. Common problems: - Boot args (cat /proc/cmdline) - Check rootdelay= (did the system wait long enough ?) - Check root = (did the system wait for the right device ?) - Missing modules (cat /proc/modules; ls /dev) ALERT! /dev/disk/by-uuid/5108701a-641d-43b182eb-aeb6da348d62 does not exist . Dropping to a shell! Busybox v1.10.2 (Ubuntu 1:1.10.2-2ubuntu7) built-in shell (ash) Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands. (initramfs) Just boot ubuntu by selecting another option of booting ubuntu from grub menu at startup, and upgrade ubuntu as per the steps given below Network Upgrade for Ubuntu Desktop You can easily upgrade over the network with the following procedure.  Start System/Administration/Update Manager Click the  Check  button to check for new updates.  If there are any updates to install, use the  Install Updat...

Roundcube webmail tries to send mail from @

This issue happens when you login to your roundcube webmail with your email ID only and not writing full email address with domain name, so it writes your identity in email from box as abc@ If you log out and again login in with full user name including domain name, i.e then you can see your send email from is correct to you full email address and not abc@ So either you can always login to the webmail with full email address or do one change in the roundcube configuration to add your email domain to the login id automatically. Go to the configuration folder of roundcube. I am using iRedmail with default installations on Ubuntu, so my default path is located at /opt/www/roundcube/configs/ open this configuration file in text editor and uncomment the follwoing $config[‘username_domain’] = ”; after uncommenting add your email domain in the inverted commas, like below $config[‘username_domain’] = ‘’; after making changes, rest...

Error Establishing A Database Connection WordPress CentOS

Being novice to WordPress, but maintaining a Apache web server on CentOS 6.5 and maintaining a WordPress website. Surprisingly it was not a database issue, but a DDoS attack!!! After googling a lot related to MySQL database, i started monitoring my web server and found its CPU usage was becoming 100% by lot of Apache processes and after some time my server became unresponsive!!! What I did… Blocked HTTP access from Allowed HTTP access to only my network Public IP. Restarted the Server and found it was working like charm. I again allowed access to and it again became unresponsive and the CPU utilization was 100% or sometimes with “Error Establishing A Database Connection” My next step was obviously to look at which public IP is bombarding http requests to my Server. To check http access logs, use the following command cat /var/log/httpd/access_log Here are the commands to block the IP on the CentOS linux with it native firewall sudo iptables -I IN...

Reset multiple User passwords in iRedmail with Python Script

Just found a built in python script for resetting passwords of multiple mail users with one go. This python script came with the installation of iRedmail. You can find the python scrip at this path  /etc/www/iredadmin/tools/ All you have to do is to create a csv file in excel and put username+domain and password in plain text, as per below 12345678 Put the password in same cell with space and DO NOT put the password in another cell, otherwise the script wouldn't run.  Save the CSV file with any name, here we put the name as new_passwords.csv  Now upload the CSV to ired mail server on same path /var/www/iredadmin/tools/ Run the python scrip with the uploaded file with below command. python /var/www/iredadmin/tools/ new_passwords.csv You have successfully reset the password for all required email user account.