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Showing posts with the label docker

GNS3 Docker Error while creating node: Docker has returned an error: Cannot connect to host docker:80

Error while creating node: Docker has returned an error: Cannot connect to host docker:80 ssl:False [No such file or directory] After adding docker template for Alpine Linux in gns3, you get above mentioned message when you want to use alpine linux in GNS3. To get rid of this message you have to install Docker by following below link curl -fsSL | sh If you do not have curl installed then instal curl first with below command. apt-get install curl After installing Docker you need to add your user name in the docker group with the following command.  $ sudo usermod -aG docker your_username Verify if the docker service is started with following command $ service docker status If docker is not started then start with following command  $ sudo service docker start Logout from GNS3 Virtual Machines and log back. Start gns3 and use alpine linux.