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How to import Putty Saved Connections to mRemoteNG

Just started using mRemoteNG and its being very cool to connect to different remote connection with different protocols e.g Window Remote Desktop, VNC to Linux, SSH, HTTP connection etc. from a single application. As new user I configured some remote desktop connection which was quite easy to figure out. But when I wanted to add SSH connections, it came in my mind to import all of the saved connections in the putty. But I couldn't figure it out how can it be done, though it was quite easy and here are the steps. Open your mRemoteNG Create a folder if you want segregation of multiple networks Create a new connection Enter the IP address of remote server under connection in Config pane Under the config pane, select protocol " SSH version 2 ".  Once you select protocol to SSH version 2 you are given option to import putty sessions, as shown in the snap below. In the above snap, I have imported CSR-AWS session from my saved sessions in Putty.